Package Spotlight: Lodash

Package Spotlight: Lodash

Sometimes as a developer you come across a problem and through research on how to solve it you discover a package that changes your life (so to speak.) In my case, Lodash is that package.

Many years ago I was trying to release a wizard where at the beginning of the wizard a payload of product data was presented. As questions were asked the JavaScript needed to narrow down that list until eventually a single product was left.

In order to do this I needed a way to manipulate, filter, and search complex arrays and objects. This is what Lodash excels at and I have been the biggest fan ever since.

With Lodash you are able to take complex objects and arrays and sort, search, filter, and otherwise manipulate them to fit your specific needs. It’s a highly optimized script and can perform extremely fast on large and complex data sources. It’s utility seems to have no end and I am always finding new ways to use Lodash to solve both simple and complex problems alike.

Package Name: Lodash


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