Custom Themes for Booking

Custom Themes for Booking

color palette of 16 different colors and shades

We strive to make the booking experience as clean and easy to use as possible. Clean and easy make customers happy and convert on your site. But we also want to make it as easy as possible for tour and activity operators to onboard with us. 

We’ve often said we’re the most customizable booking solution on the market today. But the booking experience historically has only been customized by those businesses that have a web development team or someone technical.

We want to make it as easy as possible for a tour operator that does $10,000 a year in revenue as it is for one making $10 million a year. That’s why we created the ability for anyone to create a custom theme for both booking and embedded booking experiences. Simply use the color picker (or codes if you know them) for your company. You can quickly and easily customize things like button colors, calendar colors, and even accent colors. When you save customers will experience a fully customized booking experience specific to your business.

a woman sitting at a table using a laptop computer

Seven Ideas for Slow Season

It’s hard to avoid having an “off-season” in any business. This is especially true in the tourism industry. By its very nature, the travel industry

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